

Enter your details in this section to enable the association to process your application and assess your requirements


This section gives you information on the costs of joining, how to pay and other fees which may from time to time be required.


Gain access to members only content and enable commenting on news and events which allows the membership to connect.

Membership fees and joining information?

The annual subscription is £12.00.

The preferred method of payment is by Standing Order through your bank using downloadable Standing Order Form.

Alternatively you can enclose a cheque made payable to the ‘Minewarfare Association Reunion Fund’. (Details on the S.O. Form).
Send the S.O form off along with a completed membership form, and you are good to go!

Membership form

Join us! It will only take a minute

A few things we’re good for!

Once you join the MWA you will enjoy the benefits that belonging to a well respected association brings. Access to extra content, discounts and exclusive content. All this as well as the friendship and comradeship will old and new acquaintances!