Chairman’s end of year message!
Dear Members,
I thought it would be good to round up this year with a Christmas message to highlight some of the key datesfor your diaries in 2022.
What a strange year 2021 has been. We have had to battle through Covid at the start of the year and it never seemed that we could come through the constant lockdown periods. Here we are now facing another winter of coping with further restrictions and the threat of more lockdowns as we battle through the latest outbreak. But in between we have achieved some successes and I think as we go into 2022 we can be pleased of how we have got through these difficult time.
From my perspective I was pleased to see the response we had to our second online AGM. Although it will never be the same as debating issues in person, it did give us the opportunity to vote in some key members to the committee. While I am extremely disappointed in loosing such key personal as Pete Whitehead as Storsey, and George T as treasurer both such loyal guys to the MWA. I am pleased that the serving brethren have stepped up to the mark to fill some of the posts and some new ones, along with Taff Bow who has become our Storsey. Indeed the committee are all enthusiastic and are ready for all that 2022 has to offer. The other main success of 21 was that after several delays we finally got a reunion together. While not as well attended as previous events it was enjoyed by all in attendance who had a great night catching up on Covid Dits.
So what do we have planned for 2022 I hear you say! Well once again Covid holds the trump card and we are very much beholding on what restrictions are in place. Already we have seen the cancellation to Malta to parade our Standard. However Sam Cook is keeping an eagle eye on events and there is a possibility it could be resurrected at the last moment.
Our 2022 reunion is still programmed to take place on the weekend of the 25 March 22 at the Sheraton Hotel in Blackpool. If necessary the Hotel will delay of cancel so hopefully anyone who has already booked will not lose out. Can I take this opportunity to encourage you all to sign up? Details are on the website or Facebook page. We need to know numbers and it promises to be a good weekend with a good turn out from northern members. Let’s face it, if you are bored with socks for Xmas talk your family into buying you a reunion surprise. There’s nothing like washing the dust of the day away with an old oppo.
While on the subject of reunions, now is probably the time to mention the 2023 reunion which will be to celebrate our 15th anniversary. This event will be a black tie dinner. Plans are underway for it to take place at a London venue with a weekend programme to match. Full details should be out early next year but it is expected to be oversubscribed so keep a good lookout and don’t delay.
It is also hoped that this coming year we will also have succeeded in our application to parade at the 2022 remembrance service in London. Again keep an eye out for further details.
Finally one last push from me. As we enter 2022 our projects rep Steve Cox will be pushing forward our plans to raise funds for a memorial to be placed at the National arboretum. A series of initiatives have been put forward to raise money. Early planning is underway to identify what and where it will be placed. Can I ask that you all give Steve the support needed when asked?
As we enter into Christmas, there are several members and shipmates who are facing their own challenges in life both physically and mentally. I think I speak for us all when I say our thoughts are with anyone battling with health issues at this time. We are always here for you if we can offer help in anyway even if it is just a chat.
While this is again an uncertain end to the year, I do wish you all a very Happy Christmas break wherever you and however you are celebrating. I look forward to meeting up with as many of you as possible in the New Year.
Take Care and keep well.
Yours Aye
Taff Reader