MWA Committee Positions
The nominations for the positions of MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY, and SERVING REP are now closed.
Unfortunately due to compassionate and welfare reasons the representative do Membership Secretary has had to pull out of filling this post. It just was not the right time to take up the post.
Therefore, POMW James “Ginge” O’Dowd has agreed to take up both roles with immediate effect.
Following this development we are pleased to announce that after a period of gapping, that we have appointed him as both Serving Representative and Membership Secretary to the MWA Committee.
The positions will be filled with immediate effect. Ginge has been a staunch member of the branch for many years and is currently leading the way on future MCM as a UVV Manager.
He is well respected by his peers and will work hard to represent them within the MWA.
One of his first tasks will be carry out a review within serving members. There has been a desire to open the MWA to serving Junior Rates as discussed at the last general Meeting. I am sure you are all as excited as us on Ginge joining the committee and look forward to to the fresh approach this will bring.