Chairmans Summer Address

Dear Members,
I hope this Letter finds you all well,
I am writing this letter with a touch of sadness as the outgoing chairman of the association. You will by now see that at the recent AGM Jim Hawkins was elected as the new chairman. I will be conducting a handover with Jim in the coming days.
My time as chairman has been eventful. The maintaining and building upon its membership, guiding us through the covid pandemic and presiding over numerous reunions to list but a few, but as I indicated in my spring message being close to retirement and with current work commitments, I did not feel I could continue to dedicate the time needed to the chairman’s position.
As some of the older brethren in the association will realise, I put together re-unions as far back as 1997. When along with the WO of the school and the PO’s course at the time I put together A BBQ which eventually morphed into the Association in 2008 and to its current state today. I am sure you will therefore realise how hard the decision has been to decide to step back from the chairman’s role.
As I hand over to Jim and look ahead, I do see a bright future. Jim is an ideal choice and has all the credentials to lead us forward as Chairman. We have a good committee of Ex and serving members. We have a great challenge to raise money for our next project a monument in the National arboretum for the Minewarfare branch past and present. Also, our first attendance at the Cenotaph this November and of course our 15th Anniversary reunion next March to name a few.
I would just like to finish by saying a big thank you to everyone past and present for all the support in making the association what it is today However just because I am retiring as chairman does not mean I am disappearing. I will remain active and supportive in the background and will enjoy washing the dust of the day away with you all at future events.
Yours Aye
Taff R

Outgoing Chairman Minewarfare Association
5 Responses
BZ Taff
Your dedication to the MWA and friendship is appreciated by all the Members.
I promise my support to Jim in the Future.
Dick Barton
Many thanks Taff for all your efforts. You’ve done a remarkable job as Chair, bearing in mind the circumstances in which you took on the mantle…
Will hopefully see you Remembrance weekend,
Thank you Taff for all your considerable efforts over many years. Through your commendable input the Association is stronger than ever, with an increasing membership and good plans and prospects for the future and I am sure will prosper further under Jim’s leadership. It has been a pleasure to work with you and an honour to call you a friend. However, it is not over by a long chalk and I look forward to enjoying many a pint with you in the future.
Kindest regards.
George T.
Thank you so much Taff for all the time and what you have done as Chairman.
Jim, you know that you have big shoes to fill, and we know that you will grip this with both hands as you do love a challenge. I cannot think of no one better than you shipmate!
We have been blessed to have had Taff and now Jim, Dixie will be smiling I know.
Peter, Taff, Yanto, Druid, Outgoing Chairman – A huge heartfelt THANK YOU for what you’ve achieved on behalf of ALL of us in the MWA. Good on yer mate, there’s a tot in the rum jar with your name on it. Would also like to Congratulate Jim H, and wish him well for the future. Yours aye 2xT’s