Vetran’s Parade – Armed Forces Weekend

The parade took place in Weymouth on Sunday 19th June.
Jan Harvey proudly carried the M.W.A standard and Sam Cook carried the T.C.A standard.
The parade, this year was led by a selection of Falklands veterans followed by Sam and Jan, marching alongside each other leading the rest of the parade.
Previously arranged with Ray Standley was a get together on the preceding Thursday evening at The Marquis of Granby.
Jan and the Bish
Ray and Karen
Benny and Clare
Pete and Karen
Snowy and Linda
A great evening was had by all.
Prior to falling in for the parade Jan and Sam had the company, on Weymouth seafront, of Dick Barton, Pete Whitehead and Snowy Barden.
Snowy and Jan ( along with their wives) had been staying in their touring caravans at a site just outside Weymouth and after the parade invited all back to the site for a brunch and and a lot more…
Thanks to Dusty Millar who took the photos .