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Last year with Covid… We expected it to be short and sweet and we would all soon be back to reality. How wrong we were. Meeting for any form of socials were put on hold as we were prevented from group gatherings. Like so many other associations we struggled with keeping…
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As we now enter into 2020 (our 12th year) under the Helm of current Chairman Taff Reader along with the financial control of Treasurer George Turnbull, the association continues to adapt to the ever increasing membership. While the number of Ex serving members continue to grow, we reach out further to…
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2019 was an eventful year for the Association. After another excellent re-union held in the S/R’s mess at HHS Nelson the MWA gathered again in June for the 2019 Veterans parade in Weymouth. It was with thanks to Jan Harvey who had stepped into the breaches at short notice to…
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At the 2018 AGM the standard was blessed by the MWA Bish (Debbie Harvey) and Commissioned. The standard received its first formal parading at the 2018 Veterans parade in Weymouth. 2018 also saw the association celebrate its 10th anniversary. In true Minewarfare style this was a lavish event held onboard…
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In 2017 at the AGM, a decision was taken to seek funding to provide the association with its own Standard. Thanks to the efforts of Lt Cdr Bob Hawkins and the generosity on the Dunfermline Lodge funding was obtained and a MWA standard designed and purchased. To prepare for its…
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At the AGM in 2016 a decision was taken to hold the reunion in the Portsmouth area where a large portion of the membership was based and were many others returned on a regular basis. The annual reunion continues to grow from strength to strength and numbers at reunions is…
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The association continued to grow and adapt. In the early years the annual reunion took to the road, holding events in all regional areas from Stirling in Scotland to Weymouth in the South of England, not to mention some excellent events in Blackpool, Cardiff and Bristol as it tried to reach…
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The Minewarfare Association is a relatively a young association, having in 2018 celebrated its tenth anniversary; however it has much deeper roots having been preceded for many years by an annual re-union. On the transfer of the Minewarfare School from HMS Nelson (Gunwharf) Formally HMS Vernon to HMS Dryad in…
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